Sabrina is currently enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program at Conestoga College and is thoroughly enjoying the program and the opportunity to solidify her current knowledge as well as learn new knowledge and skillsets. Through this program, she hopes to have a positive impact on the children and families in her care. Sabrina enjoys being with and learning alongside childrn and looks forward to the many amazing opportunities that await.

Anisha is a PhD Candidate at the University of Guelph and completing her thesis projects within the Guelph Family Health Study. She is a Registered Dietitian providing casual coverage for two hospital networks in Ontario. She completed her Master of Public Health (MPH) in Nutrition and Dietetics from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and her undergraduate degree from Ryerson University in Nutrition and Food. Through her professional and educational experiences, Anisha hopes to combine her passion to work in different areas of dietetics such as clinical, community-based research and teaching in the future.

Chantal received the 2020 and the 2021 CFUW Guelph Master of Fine Arts Scholarships in Studio Art. A second-generation Canadian of Lebanese descent, she holds a BFA with distinction from Concordia University (2012). Her research and painting practice looks at the legacy of historical erasure in Lebanon to examine new frameworks for diaspora experience. She references belatedly recognized artists from South West Asian and North African diasporas, and her work is found in the permanent collections of the Art Gallery of Guelph and the University of New Brunswick. With gratitude, Khoury was born and raised on the unceded land of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples (New Brunswick) and was based in Tio’tia:ke/Mooniyang/Montréal from 2006-2019.

Helena is a fourth year Biomedical Engineering student in the co-operative education program. After a mission trip to Peru, she was determined to use her education to better the lives of those less fortunate by creating more affordable medical imaging technologies. Helena would like to further her education with a master’s degree with a specialization in medical imaging technologies.