Joyce Johnson, Convenor
CFUW Garden Group usually meets on the 3rd Monday evening of the month; exceptions to the date are made for holidays and special occasions. Guest speakers provide presentations, and there are lively questions as many in the group have significant gardening experience.
In October 2018 we had a very interesting field trip to Martin’s Family Fruit Farm in Waterloo. Everyone seems to love making Christmas wreaths – an activity we return to year after year. In 2018, we had Michelle Goff demonstrate a Christmas Urn. Subsequently, we had an arrangement to auction at the November General meeting which provided a donation to the Community Connections Fund.
The January 2019 meeting was attendance at the Galt Horticultural Society’s “Dream Garden Winter Workshop”. The remaining winter topics were Botanical Painting, the Urban Tree Canopy and a workshop on pruning small trees and shrubs. We close the year with a field trip to local nurseries in May and a garden tour in June.
Our relatively large group (26) is manageable as, at any given month, some members will be absent due to travels or life complications. We wish everyone a great summer of gardening whether your garden is on a balcony or a half acre!
If you would like information on joining this group and don’t know how to contact the convenor, contact Member Services.