Terri Belyea and Sonia Spekkens, Co-Convenors
We usually organize rides twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Our member list has 25 names; usual number of cyclists was four to seven.
Last year was somewhat disappointing because of the number of wet and/or cold days we experienced on our usual Tuesday and Friday ride days. We don’t go out if the temperature is less than 4 degrees C. However, the group was still able to get out many times including trips in Guelph as well as many outside the City. Some special trip destinations included: Cambridge to Paris along the Grand River and West Montrose to Millbank via the ‘Guelph to Goderich Trail’.
The fifth annual, spring multi-day ride in June 2019 took place on the Niagara Peninsula in the Welland Canal, Lake Erie and Niagara-on-the-Lake areas. As is customary, it incorporated cycling, mostly on off-road trails, and time to appreciate the geography as well as the history of the countryside. In 2024, the out of town multi-day ride was on Le P’tit Train du Nord through the Laurentians north of Montreal.
Popular rides in previous years have been within the city, e.g. to Hanlon Creek Park in the south and the RRT to Victoria Road in the north east; as well as outside of Guelph – the Grand River trail from Cambridge to Paris, the Credit River to the Humber River on the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail, and the Elora-Cataract Trail.
If you would like information on joining this group and don’t know how to contact the convenor, contact Member Services.