CFUW Guelph Emergency Food Relief Fund

CFUW Guelph’s Executive and Advocacy Committee worked together and launched an appeal to our members to reduce food insecurity as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.
The Executive approved $300 from the one-time community connections fund be donated to The SEED, a not-for-profit food project that delivers community programs to address food insecurity. The Seed is located at the Guelph Community Health Centre and was created in 2015 by a coalition of community organizations. In normal times, they operate food collection & distribution to neighborhood food pantries, community kitchens, and community markets, providing garden-fresh food boxes at wholesale prices, as well as work opportunities for youth.
We asked members to donate to any of the agencies/organizations that provide emergency food relief locally such as:
- Chalmers Community Services
- Children’s Foundation:
- Food4Kids:
- Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition
- Hope House
- The SEED Emergency Food
- The Welcome In Drop In Centre
Thank you to the more than 22 CFUW Guelph members who donated $3100 to 8 different charities.