
Resolutions adopted by the CFUW membership nationally and provincially are the foundation for our advocacy activities. These resolutions deal with issues relevant to CFUW’s mandate to enhance the status of women and girls, promote education and human rights and encourage the participation of members in their communities.

Resolutions are researched and proposed by CFUW clubs, or Provincial or National Boards. They are studied by the clubs, voted on at the club level, amended where necessary, and subsequently approved through a vote, at either the Ontario Council Annual General Meeting in May or the CFUW Annual General Meeting in the summer. 

These democratically adopted resolutions give CFUW National and the Ontario Council legitimacy to lobby and petition the federal or provincial governments on matters of importance to club members. Clubs may also petition their federal (MP), provincial (MPP) and municipal governments to advance the CFUW agenda at the local level.

Within CFUW Guelph, our Advocacy Committee coordinates and /or takes the lead on our advocacy work.

An issue that CFUW Guelph has been advocating for is the lack of diverse representation in our elected officials at the municipal, provincial and federal levels of government. To encourage more women and other diverse candidates to run, CFUW Guelph has provided support to the Municipal Campaign School. While it is hoped that before municipal elections occur later in 2022 sessions can be held in person, to start off they have produced a series of videos. The second phase to the campaign school is still in the planning stage, but will include opportunities for networking (hopefully in-person) and mentoring.

CFUW Guelph has been advocating for a Basic Income Guarantee for all Canadians since 2013. In support of this goal we partnered with the Imagining a Difference Future Group (discussion group based in Guelph) to present a webinar exploring the concept of a Universal Basic Income (UBI).

The UBI webinar was held on November 18, 2020, exploring the concept of Universal Basic Income in Canada. The event featured Evelyn Forget, Chandra Pasma, Senator Kim Pate and Jessie Golem. To view the webinar recording, click here.

To read more about Basic Income

Basic Income Canada Network:

Ontario Basic Income Network:

UBI Works: