The CFUW Guelph Banner

Original CFUW Guelph BannerCFUW Guelph’s banner has always featured the red poppies symbolizing Guelph’s link with John McCrae and his poem “In Flanders Fields”. The blue background and the vibrant red poppies represents our club at home as well as at CFUW National events.

In 2007, when the idea arose to renew the banner, the CFUW Guelph Quilters took up the task. It was decided to recreate the original banner in spirit but to use modern materials and methods. The group worked to design and create the new banner throughout 2007 and 2008.The poppies and leaves were designed and prototypes were created by Anne Peters and Pat Liptrap. Five group members – Anne Peters, Marilyn Watson, Mary Howlett Nero, Liz Bayne and JoAnne Oldridge – made the poppies. Each poppy, crafted from several layers of yellow, orange and red felt, and red and purple sheer fabric, is embellished with stitching and beads. The leaves are layers of felt in shades of green and embellished by dense machine embroidery. Finally, the poppies and leaves were machine stitched to the banner. The blue background fabric and yellow/orange fabric for the letters “CFUW Guelph” was hand painted by Maggie (Vanderweit) Meredith. She then machine quilted the banner and applied the letters. The binding and label on the reverse were done by Joyce George.

All members of the CFUW Quilters’ Group worked on this project, discussing design, layout, colour choices, hanging rod, lettering and label.

Quilting Group Presents New Banner

Members of the group in 2007/2008 were: MCFUW Guelph Textile Arts Group presents new bannerary Howlett Nero, JoAnne Oldridge, Anne Hobbs, Maggie (Vanderweit) Meredith, Marilyn Watson, Anne Peters, Liz Bayne, Joyce George, Pat Liptrap, Jean Julian, Barbara Kuczynski, Vicki Boyce, Judy Yarmey.

We, the members of the CFUW Quilters’ Group, are proud to present the new banner to our club.

September 23, 2008
Author: JoAnne Oldridge
Presentation Photos: Andrea Manera
Old Banner Photo: Ron Taborek
New Banner Photos: Carol Herrmann


