CFUW Guelph has a number of committees responsible for overseeing the operations of the club. Volunteering for a committee is a great way to get involved in the ongoing work and long term sustainability of the club.
Standing Committees
Executive Committee, President – JoAnn Hayter
Directs the activities of the club according to the constitution and bylaws, and standard operating procedures.
Advocacy Committee, Chair – Deb Thompson
Directs advocacy activities of the club, including meetings with elected officials.
Represents CFUW Guelph at Ontario Council Standing Committee meetings.
Members are welcome to join on an ad-hoc basis for any issue.
Communications Committee, Chair (acting) – Esther Semple
Responsible for all club communications, including monthly newsletter, website, social media and CFUW Guelph events.
Clare Irwin, Assistant Newsletter Editor
Brenda Coomber, Newsletter Editor
Esther Semple, Web Manager
Janet Hodgson, Database Manager
Hospitality Committee, Chair – Barbara Kuczynski
Responsible for all hospitality activities of the Club.
Member Services Committee, Co-Chairs – Kerry Detlor and Barbara Kuczynski
Keeps current member records and membership lists and coordinate interest groups.
Program Committee, Chair – Susan Brown
Responsible for arranging a program of speakers related to the goals and purposes of CFUW and for the logistics related to the lecture portion of all general meetings.
Non-Executive Standing Committees
Archives Committee, Chair – Mary McEwen
Keeps a record of matters pertaining to the club’s history.
Document Review Committee
Reviews the Constitution and Bylaws annually.
Revi1ews the Policies and Procedures annually.
Chair – Maureen Weaver
Member – tba
Member – tba
Nominations Committee
Prepares slate of officers for the executive and scholarship committees for the following year.
Chair – Sonia Spekkens
Member – tba
Resolutions Committee, Chair – Maureen Weaver
Reviews CFUW National and Ontario Council resolutions.
Scholarship Committee, Chair – Gabriella Facchini
Administers the scholarship and award funds.
Treasurer – Brenda Coomber
Secretary – Diane Boyd
Member-at-Large – Liz Miller
Appointed – Maureen Weaver
Ex Officio – JoAnn Hayter