Membership in CFUW Guelph is open to all women who are interested in participating in the club’s programs andactivities, and who support our organization’s goals to:
- To advance the status of women, human rights and to work toward gender equality.
- To encourage members to put their education and experience to use in the community.
- To arouse and sustain an informed interest in public affairs among members; to encourage an active participation in such affairs by qualified women; and to provide an opportunity for effectual, concerted action.
- To support excellence in education and to promote access to ongoing and higher education of women.
- To participate in the work of CFUW.
- To promote understanding, friendship and cooperation among members and with like-minded organizations.
CFUW Guelph was founded in 1945. Currently we have ~ 120 members with a range of educational, vocational and professional experience. Although most of our members live in Guelph, our club also attracts women from other parts of Wellington County. Our members range in age from mid-20s to their 90s. Each year, our club is reinvigorated by new members but we also celebrate the fact that some women have been members for over fifty years.
The Member Orientation Manual provides more information on the operation and activities of the club.
The diversity of backgrounds and interests among our members has lead to the formation of a wide variety of interest groups that allow members to enjoy the company of women who share similar interests and passions.
Through these interest groups, our monthly program, community engagement and participation in public affairs, our members Connect, Learn and Advocate.
CFUW Ontario Council
- Promotes cooperation and communication of information and ideas among CFUW clubs in Ontario
- Creates provincial policies
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)
- Founded in 1919
- Is a voluntary, non-partisan, non-profit, self-funded bilingual organization
- 10,000 primarily graduate women in Clubs across Canada
- Consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York and sends a delegate to their March meeting